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Thanks for stopping by. About Larry Le, VMA...

Larry Le, VMA

Certified Veteran Mortgage Advisor

My name is Larry Le and I love the mortgage business but was fed up with the lack of education and information clients were provided during their application process. So, I created a first-time home buyer coaching class for mortgage clients that provides instant access to answers to questions and simple explanations to the mortgage process and how to qualify. I also provide 1 on 1 coaching for those who want it.

Unlike other loan officers, I made it my passion to COACH first time home buyers on the mortgage process and that makes all the difference of how I have helped hundreds of people get on the right path to home ownership with many of them becoming homeowners.

The home buying process is very confusing to most people – but that is WHY I AM HERE: to simplify this process and make sure you are 100% prepared in the home buying process and to become ahead of the competition. And when it comes to the NFL, I just follow what team my wife is a fan of which happens to be the Saints.

MY WHY which is my wife and kids – but 2 of my kids are non-verbal and on the spectrum for Autism so I want to have enough resources to pay for their ABA therapy.

MY OTHER WHY is serving veterans – I told a story of why I owe them my life but a quick version is they rescued my parents from the Vietnam War, they met later on in Hong Kong, China, fell in love and had me. So if it wasn’t for those US Soldiers rescuing my parents, they would never have met and I would never have been born, and therefore my 3 boys would never have been born. Those US Soldiers are most likely Veterans today. I owe them my life.